Goal: Special Issue: Analytics of human-centric decision making under uncertainty and indeterminacy Journal: Soft Computing (SCI, IF=3.732)Open for submissions until September 1, 2023Link: https://www.springer.com/journal/500/updates/23880592 Analytics is the scientific process of transforming data into actionable insights that can be utilized to make informed decisions. In real life, and especially in today’s era of big data, the […]
Category Archives: Special Issue
Goal: Journal: AIMS Mathematics: (H-index: 24, CiteScore: 2.4, and in SCI its 2021 impact factor is 2.739) Link: https://www.aimspress.com/math/article/6373/special-articles Journal indexing: Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCIE),Scopus, MathSciNet, Zentralblatt,… Article Processing Charge (APC): 1200 USD[If the author does not have fund to cover this charge, please contact mathematics@aimspress.org.]https://www.aimspress.com/math/news/solo-detail/articleprocessingcharge Submission deadline: 01 July 2023——————————Guest EditorsS. A. Edalatpanah, Ayandegan […]
Goal: Part 2 of the PeerJ Computer Science Special Issue series on Decision Making in Complex Systems, with a focus on theory and methods Journal: PeerJ Computer Science Link: https://peerj.com/special-issues/124-complex-systems-theory Journal indexing: PeerJ Computer Science is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal indexed in Web of Science SCIE(Impact Factor is 2.41), Scopus (CiteScore: 2.2; SNIP: 1.304), Pubmed […]